Monday, 11 January 2016

The glorious return of someone that isn't very interesting. Seriously.

So where to start, well it's been a year. yup, a whole year since I lost what little mind I had, the most logical thing I could think to do was to try and pull my arms off and all my hair. Safe to say I eat medication for breakfast and dinner now, I rattle more than a maraca but my mind is in the right place so that's what matters more than anything.

I decided to start this up again, Its been a fun adventure over the past year, I've tried lots of different forms of being creative in the gaming space.

I chronicled my adventures whilst playing Shovel Knight and got some kind words and responses from the developers that worked on the game which was amazing. ( I've currently brought the game on every platform it's been released on. Wii U, 3dsxl and PS4/Vita)

I started reviewing games for a company called The Nerd Stash for a few months, my focus shifting more to reviews and news.

Lastly Twitch became a new outlet for me, Taking to it so much I couldn't juggle writing and streaming.

Plus now I have a part time job as a postman.

The benefit of the job is that I only work 5 hours a day, meaning I can sleep when I get home and stream in the afternoons. Work took more of the focus over the christmas months as we where very busy, but now with the new year ago go and things starting to get quieter I thought, why not?

So why the fuck not.

This was an outlet when I felt I'd lost everything, giving me a reason to wake up in the morning and be productive. Avenues where opened, coming full circle a year later and trying to mix all 3 together.

So I've decided to blog reviews and updates as well as streaming my favourite new and current titles.

My Twitch is

I'm juggling between Bloodborne, Final Fantasy VII, Dark Souls II and some other titles I fancy.

Keeping it short and sweet like mmmmmmmmmmmmm Kirby.

Love Love

Caleb, FI5H5TICK5, Senpai Fi5h, ManicallyDepressed-ModeratleyFunny and all the other personas I currently have.

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