Tuesday, 30 December 2014

All Round Gamer

That combo though?!
So I feel like you'd be glad to know that I'm a very open minded gamer,

I'm not tied down to one console and I enjoy a bit of everything....Apart from fighting games as I simply cant remember any or all of the Combos.

 I'm an avid RPG fan, recently just milked Dragon Age:Inquisition for 125 man hours over the last 2 weeks, on Hard and now feel somewhat cold as I actually have nothing left to do in the game!

My Xbox One is mainly used for storing dust but occasionally I break out Sunset Overdrive for some bright, genuinely laugh out loud moments and hyper game play.

That level though?!
The Master Chief Collection is also a nostalgia trip I'm slowly working through as that franchise has been with me since I was 11 and 'Truth and Reconciliation' still blowing my mind to this day new and old!

I mostly play PS4 or Wii U depending on my mood.

Dragon Age:Inquisition - I adored but ran out of content.

The last of us Remastered - I'm going through again for a second time as I needed to cry and bulk up my Trophies count for that game as its at 8%

Assassins Creed:Unity -Because its fun to be a killing machine
That face glitch though?!
that cant climb through a fucking window and gets locked out of every building and chest, I genuinely preferred ,my assassin when he couldn't swim 7 million games ago but at least you could get into every building and chest like Houdini.

Then the list just pours into Indie Content of games finished and games started

Fez- where are you Phil Fish?

Transistor - My personal Game of the Year, I do love Super
Giant Games, Amazing Art from Jen Zee. Tried to buy some.All Digital, True story.

That Art though?!

Dust:An Elysium Tale which I was burning through until I hit a game ending bug at the end of chapter 4, every time I try and play it starts again.This is not fun for me! still recommend it though for a pleasant 16-20 hour adventure.

SteamWorld Dig: Its like Minecraft but good! In a digging sense that's all.Internet backlash to follow.

Then a huge list of Indie games I don't want to get into as of yet.

Then we get in to Nintendo!Glorious Nintendo, which I'm behind on.

Mario Kart 8 on 150cc that I need to start but the fear of losing it on every corner has sunk in and is a very real fear.

Hyrule Warriors on Hero mode also incredibly addictive. (screams Dynasty Warriors, never a bad thing)

Super Smash Bros for Wii U which is actually next level!
That link though ?!

Wind Waker HD which is charming yet complicated and puzzling as sin and the newly purchased Captain Toad Treasure Tracker, 11 levels in and I'm already sold.

Pokemon Sapphire Omega also a huge Nostalgia Trip.

Bravely Default I'm a wonderful 25 hours into and forgot about until I brought it up now. Shit.

Zelda : A link Between Worlds I hate that anti Zelda world and my absolute fucking favourite Shovel Knight!
That shovel though ?!

So hopefully I have enough stuff to keep me writing and hope you enjoy what I have to say?!

Kirby Style.


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