Sunday, 28 December 2014

Zelda - Ocarina of time - Age 24 Edition

Now I'm not proud to say I never played a Zelda game until I was 24 but the truth is in fact, I never played a Zelda game until I was 24!

I had a Sega Mega Drive, I struggled with Sonic everyday of my life.

Sonic The Hedgehog 2
So I never experienced Mario Kart until I was failing my GCSE's.

Mario World 64 I had played at my friends house and that was my N64 experience, so when I bought a second hand 3DS the first thing I was told to go and buy was Ocarina of Time, widely regarded as one of the best games of all time and I hadn't the foggiest what it was about.

I think I would have fallen into the crowd of gamers that called Link "Zelda" but I could shout loud and make it look like I knew what I was going on about and nobody questioned it.

Ocarina of Time
So I decide to tick that game off my 'Must play' list and needless to say I played it to death.

Now how a child at the age of 12 could play and finish that game I have no fucking clue, I was stuck for hours, I had access to the internet, they didn't.

One particular moment I remember very well involved the Forest Temple, now being an absolute Noob at Zelda and the format the temples/dungeons work in I learnt a very timely lesson about collecting every chest you saw, as it would come to help at a later point.

This timely lesson lasted 3 months

This isn't a lie or an over exaggeration, 3 whole adult months.

First I went through a stage of playing it for 30 minutes a day, claiming the game was clearly broken as I couldn't find a key, now fast forward enough time for me to completely forget about the game.

I was choosing to ignore it existed.

But then I had a Zen moment and went on the hunt once again.


I have patience sometimes and then sometimes I cant handle it but as I threw my 3DS that's when the Zen moment kicked in.

As I look down at my 3DS hoping it wasn't broken, I picked it up and realised I had some how put it into a 'first person' mode

Thee ACTUAL chest I dismissed
I pick it up and there in front of me as I look up...a chest on a tree branch.

I get a weird sense of goosebumps,
Had I done it?!

I run at the wall I forgot you could climb, 3 months had passed.

I'd actually seen this box when I came into the Forest Temple the first time I played this game and I had just dismissed it straight away.
Silver key I waited 3 months for.

"I don't need Rupees" 

MUST have been my thought.

I run along the branch and jump over to the next one


Key like a mother fucker.

Life lesson learnt, always open treasure chests! ESPECIALLY in a Zelda game.

Manic Army

Caleb, ManicallyDepressed-ModeratleyFunny

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