Friday, 24 April 2015

The Idea of Olive oil. Random Ramblings.#83

A blank page is always the start of any creative day, Thoughts. Words, Text, they all come next, in what form, well thats all part of the fun I guess. You never know.
Bit extreme but olive oil is dangerous.

I certainly have no clue what comes next, it all kinda comes spilling out......

Olive oil is the best way to explain it, stupid you say? chuck Olive oil on your floor and see how stupid you really are, then you'll understand. It goes everywhere, it takes different paths.

some BIG.

some small, you clean it up but it still keeps searching trying to find that next crack.

A lot like an idea. It just keeps growing till it can consume you, Im one of those people that lets himself get consumed by an idea, Mine are normally delude ideas of importance and success. A life I'm in control of from the point I wake to the point I sleep.

Reality is I'm a nervous, emotionally broken, unconfident, unsuccessful 'Think'aholic.

All of those titles I wear with pride at this moment in time because I'm still typing away, A diary one day.

That phone!
A review the next day.

An idea the next.

Olive oil at the weekends.

My new obsession and idea is higher education. A form of multimedia journalism to take this passion to the next level, a success story that can only grow in the eyes of the dreamer that dreamt it.

so my question to the anyman, other lady, lonely person, hyper active teenage and people that may or may not read this is what do you think of becoming a mature student?

Would you risk what sad story of minimal wage job you had to chase the idea of doing something more? Even a high end job, just to start a new career path and take a risk you otherwise might not.

I'm of two minds about it all, one part screams 'yes' try. Change. Become something more. The other side of me is full of self doubt. You can't. You won't. Your to old.

So here I'am now blogging away my stresses and seing if it sheds any light on the situation.

I'm also blogging from my iPhone 6 plus which is actually the fucking coolest and ever since yesterday my page was viewed 100 times which to me is an actual amazing acheivment that some people might be listening and reading and laughing or crying along with me.
Also that film though!

Let's hope I get some emails back from the uni near by. Let's hope a blog can become part of a portfolio for higher education. Let's see if I can take that dream and Make it a reality.

All it takes is baby steps and an idea to find out what you want to do and I've found mine.

Sorry it's not as related to games today but I haven't been playing a lot, hence the slow down in content.

I marathoned the Avengers Assemble, Captain America. The winter solder and the new Age of Ultron  at the midnight release which was a fun way to spend 8 hours of my day! Maybe that's why I drank so much coffee yesterday.

Koi Koi friends

Caleb Bateman - ManicallyDepressed-ModeratelyFunny

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Coffee and Cigarettes

I currently have a very casual approach to life, I sleep between 12 and 18 hours a day.

What can I say, I love coffee and Cigarettes.
I take my medication when I'm suppose too, I chain smoke cigarettes and drinking black coffee like some cop from L.A.Noire.

I think about what I want from my life, I contemplate education, maybe something to do with writing? Creative perhaps? Journalistic, answering questions with questions,  never quiet getting round to answering them.

I'm unsure of so much.

Lego Batman takes some of the stress away. until I realise I need a million studs to unlock the x2 red brick and Ive just spent all my studs buying all the characters I can.

That's first world problems right there.

My problem is I'm trying to start so much, but Im never get around to finishing anything any more.

True story.
I started this blog, I'm certainly not ready to finish it. but what I am unsure of is where to go with it?!

I guess that's life. we all start it with the intention of it never ending, then it does. Be it a long time or a short time. You want to try and change as much as you can in that period of time you spend alive.

I'm certainly spending my days trying to change things, myself mainly.

This blog was a saviour, a blessing in disguise, an out for a very ill person to try get his thoughts into order. Now their in order I struggle to find them.

I run at a constant level of 'normal' and that bores me, never up, yet always down.

I find it hard to do the things I love so much, my passion somewhere else, hidden with that order.

Gone are the days I used to wake and write, gone are the days where my Mac was constantly on charge, gone are the days of my 3DS and Shovel Knight.

I need to try and change it all.
The location of said x2 stud counter.

This leads me to this blog, I kind of just picked my Mac up and started typing away. Unsure of what would happen, Time happens and over time ill people become better be it for the better or worse. That sounds horrible, normally for better, I just feel worse.

So today is the day I make an effort to blog again, to write about all those things I love and the things I love to do.

Maybe I will get back in to education and finish something for real

Or maybe ill just spend the day get that stud count up?!

Koi Koi


Thursday, 9 April 2015

Remastered games - A must or a must not?

Now I keep seeing updates on Remastered games becoming available.

Just shut up and take my money.
I get the appeal, but are to many games trying to cash in on getting re released and getting that extra cash bump?

Now I can see certain titles falling into the category of 'must play', like the Last of Us, it was one of the reasons I brought my ps4 for, I would have never of experienced it on ps3 and missed that story and experience all together.

But do I need a Darksiders 2 remastered? No.

I suppose its a bit of a double edged sword and an argument you can't really win or lose, you can have an opinion and everyone is welcome to theirs even if its wrong in my eyes.

I just feel as the days go by, this console cycle has turned into a somewhat remastered hash machine, now aren't we suppose to be pushing the limits with the games publishers are developing at the minute and getting new games?
10 out of 10 would play.

Saying all this though I've fallen into the trend myself, mostly out of there not really being many games to choose from these days.

My PS4 being somewhat an Indie machine.

I said I wouldn't get Borderlands The Handsome Collection and I did, this was justified by not playing the Pre Sequel and its DLC and never playing the Borderlands 2 DLC, this made sense to me, a game I could also coop with my girlfriend and play casually over time dropping in and out whenever I played it.

Then we come to Saints Row IV, this being an odd title that I brought and played for 5 hours, I think I was trying to scratch my Sunset Overdrive itch and couldn't quite reach it so thought that would work, I was wrong. £25 wrong.

I have all the intent to go back to it at some point in the future again dropping in with a very casual approach to the game, a few hours of mayhem then back to the daily grind called life.

When it comes to value for money though some games just absolutely kill it and they are very hard to ignore like the Halo Master Chief Collection, but even games held in such high prestige suffer the downside of never working properly online from day one, so much so early adopters of the game through the months of November and December will also be getting the Halo ODST campaign free of charge when its released later in the year.
Can't wait!

I guess you can't argue with die hard fans and there hands full of 'Shut up and take my money' cash.

I don't know where I stand on this argument, I see both sides, I agree with both sides, I guess I just want the remastered games I want and not others, I can understand the appeal of Halo 2 Remastered, the Games completely different,  you can see the huge change its gone through and what you can do with ten years of updated tech, but I find it hard to see the appeal in a Devil May Cry and Dark Souls 2 rehash when the games are both over a year old.

Is it just me or do other people feel this way about certain games and feel the smaller teams and resources used could have been distributed better?

Koi Koi to another ManicallyDepressed-ModeratelyFunny blog

P.s I'm seing Bladerunner at the cinema tonight :O


Wednesday, 1 April 2015

It's only been 2 f*****g weeks!

So this is one long overdue blog thats taken me two weeks to even start writing, I couldn't tell you why I got out of the habit, Ive started to be able read again, my interest in books has gone through the roof, so the time I normally spend in the morning blogging over coffee has turned into a reading hour.

Such a quality read!
Now when I say I've started to be able to read again its not that I forgot 'how' to read its just that my brains been so scrambled I found it incredibly hard to retain anything, I'd read a page and forget a page at the same time. Fucking frustrating to say the least!

But alls well and good in that vain now so Iread through Andrzej Sapkowski's second Witcher novel Time of Contempt, A quality read for anyone who likes a rich fantasy world full of politics, conspiracy, sex, violence and bad language.

My times also being occupied by a few games, My ps4 getting more playtime than ever at the minute,  The free running zombie fest Dying Light and Borderlands The Handsome Collection being my main two go to games!

The story of Dying Light is a sad one, after hours of trying and failing to get into Majora's Mask it met its match in Game for a trade in value of £35. One day i'll revisit it but for now it just wasn't doing it for me. Dying Light being its replacement, hardly a sad tail worthy of shedding a tear over.

Now I don't know if I have ever gone into details about my hobbies and likes, It obviously clear that Video games is my thing, it has been since my Megadrive days. crying at the fact I couldn't get Super Sonic, that bastard was bright yellow!

I really did cry.
I'm your typical geek, I have little to no friends, I'm becoming more overweight as the days go by, I read comics and have a love affair for anything Ed Brubaker writes, 'Sleeper' being my favourite comic I've ever read.

I love Music, I have a moderate collection of Vinyls I've collected over the last year or so.

Some of my favourite albums and also classics like Led Zeppelin III and Jimi Hendrix's Are you Experienced.

My blu ray or as I call them Uh Blay collection is now 150 strong, I try and visit the cinema as much as I can in my spare time.