Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Shovel Knight 3 - A Quest for £ (man purse coins)

I Succumb to the pressures of the Nintendo E Shop bargains,
That cross buy bargain though?!
such as 33% of Shovel Knight.

Those bargains though?!
'THIS will be a good thing' I tell myself.Now I can die another 45 TIMES in 40 inches of wonderful HD, but the controller! That's my saving grace to justify the purchase, bigger sticks means more control........I think?!

All in the name of a Blog I  think people might think is funny.

"Less Walk-through and more of a timid re imagining of something beautiful" Caleb

Is it to early to get a stress on?  10.41 am, probably a few hours to early to be honest when you cant plan past lunch.

Is it better than the Achievement though?!
Lets hope I progress this time or it just cost me another £8 I don't have and more stress than I want but I'm more than happy for Yacht Club Games to have my money if it means more quality games down the line, I wonder if when I get it on PS4 I'll get a cross buy discount?

who really cares all I know is I'll spend even more money on Shovel Knight  because I want some damn trophies for all my hardships and success's.

Cross saves along all platforms? I wonder if I could get sponsored?!


 Just discount for cross buy. I wonder if I'll even play the Wii U version as much? I love the mobility of the game, it really does feel at home on my 3DS and is currently the most fun I'm having with it.

I'll continue my 3DS versions adventure until I honestly cant't die any more and then see if the larger controls work better for my fat hands

So I get visited by a close friend of mine who shall not be named due to him 'Giving up' on Shovel Knight, he bugs me about having a go on it due to being so intrigued after reading my last blog.

Now I'm currently stuck on my 3DS version between checkpoints in the middle of hell but you'll hear about that soon enough.So what do I do now, I don't want to let him down!

So I fire up the Wii U version now knowing it cant affect my 3DS save state. I fire through the first and second levels explain the basic controls and mechanics of how the games work and he looks suitably pumped to go!

I saw this screen a lot that hour
After what I can only call a painful hour of play he gives up.

"I physically can't do this boss at all, it's impossible" Nameless Gentleman

 I laugh... HARD. I then take the pain away by whooping him at Super Smash Bros, Kirby Style.

True story.

Tuesday, 30 December 2014

All Round Gamer

That combo though?!
So I feel like you'd be glad to know that I'm a very open minded gamer,

I'm not tied down to one console and I enjoy a bit of everything....Apart from fighting games as I simply cant remember any or all of the Combos.

 I'm an avid RPG fan, recently just milked Dragon Age:Inquisition for 125 man hours over the last 2 weeks, on Hard and now feel somewhat cold as I actually have nothing left to do in the game!

My Xbox One is mainly used for storing dust but occasionally I break out Sunset Overdrive for some bright, genuinely laugh out loud moments and hyper game play.

That level though?!
The Master Chief Collection is also a nostalgia trip I'm slowly working through as that franchise has been with me since I was 11 and 'Truth and Reconciliation' still blowing my mind to this day new and old!

I mostly play PS4 or Wii U depending on my mood.

Dragon Age:Inquisition - I adored but ran out of content.

The last of us Remastered - I'm going through again for a second time as I needed to cry and bulk up my Trophies count for that game as its at 8%

Assassins Creed:Unity -Because its fun to be a killing machine
That face glitch though?!
that cant climb through a fucking window and gets locked out of every building and chest, I genuinely preferred ,my assassin when he couldn't swim 7 million games ago but at least you could get into every building and chest like Houdini.

Then the list just pours into Indie Content of games finished and games started

Fez- where are you Phil Fish?

Transistor - My personal Game of the Year, I do love Super
Giant Games, Amazing Art from Jen Zee. Tried to buy some.All Digital, True story.

That Art though?!

Dust:An Elysium Tale which I was burning through until I hit a game ending bug at the end of chapter 4, every time I try and play it starts again.This is not fun for me! still recommend it though for a pleasant 16-20 hour adventure.

SteamWorld Dig: Its like Minecraft but good! In a digging sense that's all.Internet backlash to follow.

Then a huge list of Indie games I don't want to get into as of yet.

Then we get in to Nintendo!Glorious Nintendo, which I'm behind on.

Mario Kart 8 on 150cc that I need to start but the fear of losing it on every corner has sunk in and is a very real fear.

Hyrule Warriors on Hero mode also incredibly addictive. (screams Dynasty Warriors, never a bad thing)

Super Smash Bros for Wii U which is actually next level!
That link though ?!

Wind Waker HD which is charming yet complicated and puzzling as sin and the newly purchased Captain Toad Treasure Tracker, 11 levels in and I'm already sold.

Pokemon Sapphire Omega also a huge Nostalgia Trip.

Bravely Default I'm a wonderful 25 hours into and forgot about until I brought it up now. Shit.

Zelda : A link Between Worlds I hate that anti Zelda world and my absolute fucking favourite Shovel Knight!
That shovel though ?!

So hopefully I have enough stuff to keep me writing and hope you enjoy what I have to say?!

Kirby Style.


Social pages?!

So I thought I'd post a real quick blog about all the different forms of social media I'm available on


That's my badly whacked together Facebook page, the main use for it is a place to post all my blogs in one space.

Easy for people to share with friends and root deep into the brain of the internet.

Secondly I have an awful Instagram page full of shitty filtered pictures - CALEBATEMAN 

 yes, I missed a B out?! what can I say I'm a free spirit.

Finally I have my Twitter account @WinslowBateman , another perfect meeting place of short worded witty comments and banter alike.

Also I haven't read a news paper in 2 years so Twitter is my only form of news, just a safe haven of Comics, Writers, Anime, Games Media, Company's and all the things that interest me.

Please comment on the blogs and follow me on these pages so I know what new content to post aswell as stream as I've recently set up a Twitch account also!

I hope to see some new followers over the next few days and don't hesitate to chat and say hi, just want to make new friends and meet like minded people that love all things video-games,

How do I know if I'm doing something right or wrong if no one speaks out?! more of this, less of that etc

Kirby Style 


Monday, 29 December 2014

The Continued Adventures of Shovel Knight..........and Caleb

Chronicle One-
McShovels the Shovel Knight
                          I added Shovel Knight to my list of 'Games on the go' list. This being a Christmas treat...which ended up with me getting so frustrated with it I had to take a lorazapam to calm me down.

Chronicle Two-
27/12/14 5.00 pm

I start with the EXPLORATORIUM, Lair of Plague Knight.
1085 coins in my man purse and 7 orbs of health.

Yacht Club Games Logo
The time is 5.11pm -These rats can jump, its not even been 30 seconds and I've lost 2 orbs of health......Explosion, there's a bird mock shitting on me with exploding vials of death.
More jumping rats and 2 orbs of health left.Good job Yacht Club Games made a pretty game or my 3DS would be leaving via window.

I expertly manoeuvre a small trial and claim some sheet music, this consisted of me jumping on a moving block, not rocket science but this is Shovel Knight and even simple things aren't that simple.
Checkpoint, I eat some Chicken which makes McShovels full of beans 6 orbs remaining now.

As I see some multi coloured vials I remember why I put this down last time,Timed jumps and flying cat monsters are coming at me, already stressed and its attempt 1. I time them well and get through, 2 orbs left.

2 flying cat heads come at me, 1 dropped with magic the other with a flurried and lucky shovel drop, I see a carrot.Consume it, Checkpoint.

I miss time my jump and this shitting bird costs me 680 man purse coins. ( 1 )
Again with death.. (2)
I luck the fuck out and try and kill this giant bird but you cant,  I fall to safety and see a checkpoint, nearly halfway and only 2 deaths. Not Bad!

Yeti wizard thing
OHHHHHHH shit a Wizard! Turns out he's not a wizard he's a dick, a giant Yeti dick. Didn't see that (3) and it stinks of yeti shit, 500 man purse coins lost. I will do this its only been 20 minutes.
transformation coming.Death follows

5.30pm- I shovel yeti shit once again.(4)
Attempt 3 and I overcome, Relief..... for now.

Checkpoint, I see a Chicken, hopes are on the up.....I CANT GET IT.It stands out of reach, even in death it mocks me.Instant Annoyance.
I get killed by a knight (5) and re mocked by the chicken I cant get.
Schooled that Knight this time around.
Flaming pots and coloured vials 

Another Checkpoint, after some horrible flaming pot jumps I see a Slug Knight! I smile, I wonder if ill eat Trident in a minute,Nope! 1 shovel jump and he's dead. I feel sad for Slug Knight, I feel he deserved more.
I see a dinner tray....................Apple, I have full health but that's not the point.
I quickly deal with 2 Slug Knights and progress to the next room health intact.
Dive bombing to Slug Knights is nothing to me now, I boss through them and kill some bird man as
well in true Knight style.

5.50pm- Checkpoint. I have 2 orbs, Fuck.
BOSS . Lets just say Plague knight ain't got shit on me, I feel good,
I will play more.
A strange boss on my journey back to the village.I die, I did not expect this (6)(7)(8)
Attempt 4 and I beat this prick, he gives me a song sheet (500 extra man purse coin) and minor frustration.

Rayman chest
6.00pm- Some gem run appears and it reminds me of the bastard teeth chests in Rayman, but I do it first time so alls okay.8630 man purse coins, 3 music sheets sold which brings me to 10130 man
purse coins.
I want to go pimp something Knight.

Current life time Stats;24 Deaths-2.21;34 playtime.

Cant help but feel like this might play nicer on WII u?!, 3DS thumb stick cant handle my fat stubby thumbs.
I hit the Armor Outpost and swap play coins for man purse coins which brings my total to 11530
Shovel Knight cracks a joke, I laugh. Toader on the other hand doesn't. Grump.

Mr Hat, Hat Addict
I loan 3000 man purse coins to 3 players in a shop which turns  Mr Hat (the shop keeper) into an evil hat obsessed wizard.I Love this game, for now that is.(9)
Death via Mr Hat, not again though. he just hungers for my hat, which turns out to be my helmet.13530 man purse coins, on a roll now.My Armor gets pimped and allows me to drop half gold.Yes.Also 2 Shovel upgrades, a hefty charged shovel wack and the ability to smash piles of dirt in one hit. 3530 man purse coin left.


Baz Knight
Baz Knight. I mean what the fuck!


Finally Baz is dead, I thought that would have been it for today but I carry on.
6000 Man purse coins later I have 8 orbs of health.Like Rogue Legacy, slowly it gets easier as you
get more equipped for the fight and then it gets even harder.Sweet Progression.

6.40pm- I feel like I've made a lot of progress and I'm not that stressed today, 70 man purse coins left

IRON WHALE-Lair of Treasure Knight. Lets do this!

Now I can dig throw shells, water level. so beautiful. the music some what reminiscent of chemical zone from Sonic the Hedgehog 2.Currently using shells as artillery to knock out knights.
Checkpoint.long fish thing appears out of nowhere, I feel my death counts about to grow.
(14)That Jump
(15)Roof spikes, Instadeath.
(16)long fish pushes me off the edge

Things are looking back on track as
I found an apple 8 orbs.Checkpoint.
Giant Chest, turns out to be one of those giant lamp fish (17)(18)(19)

7.00pm- I'm starting to die.............. a lot!
Lamp Fish!Killer.

I finally fight the stupid lamp fish! ahhhhhhhhhh fuck
I manoeuvre the level like the back of my hand, pre jumping to spots the map hasn't even revealed yet I'm that confident.Killed it! Kirby Style.Checkpoint(29)(30)(31)(32)(33)

Checkpoint- Only 19 deaths to get 4 checkpoints in. First jump(34)(35)(36)(37)(38)(39)(40)
So close. (41)(42)(43)(44)(45)

I'm out  7.21pm 

Sunday, 28 December 2014

Zelda - Ocarina of time - Age 24 Edition

Now I'm not proud to say I never played a Zelda game until I was 24 but the truth is in fact, I never played a Zelda game until I was 24!

I had a Sega Mega Drive, I struggled with Sonic everyday of my life.

Sonic The Hedgehog 2
So I never experienced Mario Kart until I was failing my GCSE's.

Mario World 64 I had played at my friends house and that was my N64 experience, so when I bought a second hand 3DS the first thing I was told to go and buy was Ocarina of Time, widely regarded as one of the best games of all time and I hadn't the foggiest what it was about.

I think I would have fallen into the crowd of gamers that called Link "Zelda" but I could shout loud and make it look like I knew what I was going on about and nobody questioned it.

Ocarina of Time
So I decide to tick that game off my 'Must play' list and needless to say I played it to death.

Now how a child at the age of 12 could play and finish that game I have no fucking clue, I was stuck for hours, I had access to the internet, they didn't.

One particular moment I remember very well involved the Forest Temple, now being an absolute Noob at Zelda and the format the temples/dungeons work in I learnt a very timely lesson about collecting every chest you saw, as it would come to help at a later point.

This timely lesson lasted 3 months

This isn't a lie or an over exaggeration, 3 whole adult months.

First I went through a stage of playing it for 30 minutes a day, claiming the game was clearly broken as I couldn't find a key, now fast forward enough time for me to completely forget about the game.

I was choosing to ignore it existed.

But then I had a Zen moment and went on the hunt once again.


I have patience sometimes and then sometimes I cant handle it but as I threw my 3DS that's when the Zen moment kicked in.

As I look down at my 3DS hoping it wasn't broken, I picked it up and realised I had some how put it into a 'first person' mode

Thee ACTUAL chest I dismissed
I pick it up and there in front of me as I look up...a chest on a tree branch.

I get a weird sense of goosebumps,
Had I done it?!

I run at the wall I forgot you could climb, 3 months had passed.

I'd actually seen this box when I came into the Forest Temple the first time I played this game and I had just dismissed it straight away.
Silver key I waited 3 months for.

"I don't need Rupees" 

MUST have been my thought.

I run along the branch and jump over to the next one


Key like a mother fucker.

Life lesson learnt, always open treasure chests! ESPECIALLY in a Zelda game.

Manic Army

Caleb, ManicallyDepressed-ModeratleyFunny

Saturday, 27 December 2014

Smash Time

Super Smash Bros made me buy a Wii U 

My Bro's self claimed 'King' title was enough to make me want to take it from him. The fact it's PURE concentrated fun also kick-started my love affair.

 His ability to tell me the buttons also went.

 The better I became the stronger his attack was until ''Didn't I tell you about the C stick" came up.
 No he hadn't!

Unfortunately for me wanting to rule the world with Pikachu is a harsh reality, when you spend most of your time bashing B, right and zipping off the screen quicker than you can actually swear.


Welcome Marth, (a new player enters the ring) he doesn't run off the map at every given chance this is my saving grace!

I still lose more than I care to admit but it was progress all the same and slowly but surely with lots of coffee and hours spent literally man screaming at Matt's TV (we'll introduce him later) I started to win every so often, when we finally left the Wii version to rest I was on a 3-0 win streak and the grin on my face was beginning to grow, becoming somehwht hard to contain with each win.

Sly remarks where casually dropped into day to day life pertaining to my Super Smash Bro winning streak and all I wanted to do was get better! I, on an impulse, bought a Wii U straight of the back of that experience and the desire to destroy at Smash Bros for Wii U continued!

First the 3DS practice came with lots of anger, I man mashed buttons and nothing seemed to fall gracefully into place like before I was losing...a lot. Fear began to creep up on me, I was getting too big for my boots and they're an adult size 13! No worries. 

Smash Bros Wii U release date creeps up under my nose and drops like a bomb. I currently don't remember buying the game at all a lot of November and December is awfully fuzzy as days blurred into weeks and all I had to remember to do was eat a pill when I started to go too fast at everything.

According to my milestones I've past 30 hours of practice and my certified 'This will be the game of Christmas 2014' award went to Smash Bros. I obsessed, when you have no time frame to complete anything in and no reason to wash, eat or sleep you can play games for a long time but distraction therapy is good therapy. I wasn't thinking about hurting myself or the fact I'm too sick to work or drive.

It mattered to me to hit a fucking punching bag exactly between 500 -505 metres to get a challenge and all my Dad could do was sit and watch me twitch more and break a little inside but I did it and then I had some Larazopam - shout out to that drug! It calms you down a fucking treat when your trying to run a stationary marathon without blinking.

Enter Matt, he has been named, if he ever reads this he/ll be amazed but I'm sure he will be supportive in telling me no one will read my ramblings, mostly because I wear this most fantastic Smash crown at the minute.

 First round fires up..
 I'm excited,
 He bought his GameCube controller to the party,
 This was going to be a laugh!


  • . Kirby VS Zero Suit Samus.

I hunt him relentlessly and drop him in a quick stock 10 lives match 3 left intact however I'm complaining about the lag on the buttons on my controller and he's scratching his head at the fact he lost to Kirby (I love that pink blob). I want to say the last match we had was Little Mac VS a version of Mario but I really can't remember, I do however remember the quote...

 " Frustratingly I'm not trying to lose this much" - Matt

Lets just say it sits at 6-0 and I have hat hair!

Friday, 26 December 2014

Big hello!


I don't really know where to begin apart from this is my new format for all my thoughts related to everything 'Video Games'

I really cunt
  • First things first I cant spell to save my life, I use punctuation incorrectly; and English isn't my strong point.
  • Secondly this could be boring and a huge waste of time but if I help anyone in anyway or at least make one person laugh then that's better than not doing it at all.
  • I've been told to try this for a few years and after having a complete melt down being signed of work and spending 125 hours in the dark obsessing about Dragon Age Inquisition I thought fuck it lets give it ago, I'm sure as I understand how this works more my pages will start to look more 'INTERNET' if that's a real thing and people will come visit and see what I have to say.
This is what you get if you type 'Internet' into google

I'll start with a quick hello from me and some basic facts about me , My names Caleb and I'm 25 which to me ever since I turned 21 is dead.

I'm manically depressed and moderately funny (up for debate) hence the name and I love video games.

I'm an owner of a PS4, Xbox One , Wii U and a 3DS so I like to think my opinion is none biased to console and I play a bit of everything.

Shovel Knight
I currently have a list of games I started all at once, 31! I fee like shooting myself, I then added Shovel Knight to that tally yesterday as a Christmas day treat, This ended up with me getting so frustrated I had to take a lorazepam to calm me down, never a good thing. but I try.

 I don't really think before I speak and I again have no real clue how blogs work, the format in which they come, if anyone will read it or how to promote it but again something is better than nothing.

I think that's a few basic facts about me and paints a shitty picture of what's to come!

Kirby Style,
